Merit Badges
Scouts work on Merit Badges to learn new skills and advance in rank. There are currently 135 Merit Badges that Scouts can earn, from American Business to Woodworking, working independently, at summer camp, or through special programs such as Merit Badge University or Scoutmaster Bucky.
Requirements and worksheets for all merit badges can be found here at
The Troop has a library of merit badge pamphlets; see your troop Librarian for details about borrowing a merit badge pamphlet. Pamphlets can also be purchased inexpensively at the Northern Star Council Scout Shop at Base Camp.
To begin work on a merit badge, a Scout needs to request a Blue Card from the Scoutmaster, and talk to a merit badge counselor about meeting the badge requirements. The troop has several merit badge counselors among our leaders and parents.
Any adult can be a merit badge counselor!
Help pass your experience and interests on to the Scouts of Troop 1; See any adult leader for more information about becoming a merit badge counselor.