
Scouts advance by doing what Scouts do: camping, hiking, building things, and learning stuff!

Scouts work on rank advancement, merit badges, and special awards.

Our goal as Scouters and Scouts is to have every Scout reach First Class in their first year and a half as an active member the troop; a First Class Scout knows all the skills he needs--camping, cooking, knots, lashings, first aid, and woodcraft--to be a leader within the troop.

But why stop there? After First Class, a Scout is on the trail to Eagle: earning merit badges, doing community service, and leading the troop to newer and better adventures!

The best way to ensure a Scout advances is to ensure they bring their Scout book to meetings, campouts, and activities. We review and sign off on requirements in the physical book - this becomes both a record and a keepsake.

The Scoutbook website is the place to view your Scout's progress. If you have questions or would like a current advancement report, please contact, Advancement Chair.